This kind of meditation is a way to have some ease during your exploration of life skills with tools. Everyone can use a fresh perspective and some tools to use in any space and any time. This in-body meditation can lead you to a place within where time stands still. You get to create a flow that makes fostering wellness more likely. It is a great time to look at becoming conscious of this moment in our lives as we have nowhere else to go but in.

Explore your Intuition Explore and even discover deeply about your intuitive abilities (or lack thereof). Think of intuition as a road map to help you enjoy your own path. “Seeing or inner sight," is a great awareness to play with. It allows you to feel, sense and become aware in a completely different way. Sit down, close your eyes and be guided through a gentle meditation.

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Meditation and Healing

These meditations can be described as an ‘in body’ practice. It uses your visual awareness where you get to see for yourself and benefit from the envisioning guidance that comes from it. .

The basic classes start you off in learning about grounding, space, energy within a class that is set in the energy of a curiousity, adventure, amusement and experiential. Whether you are a professional workaholic, artist, musician, waitress, gas attendant, etc., you are engaging with aspects of you that can integrate and be integrated with. This in-body meditation brings you to engage the whole you and not just the aspect of you that engages your friends, family and the world. Many people have found that these tools work for them, you too can try it out.

Explore the following and experience your intuition at work.

  • Inner Space- personal and energetic space

  • Grounding - the tool to assist you in having a foundation

  • Neutrality - gentle acknowledgement without judgement

  • Settling In - create a little harmony with being in.

  • Centering - bringing your energy into one place

  • Raising your Vibration

  • Self healing