A place to take a step and enjoy some breakthroughs into spiritual freedom. Also learn to have ownership of your certainty and spiritual information as you explore your dreaming, healing and teaching nature.
Clairvoyant Intensive - Gain mastery in as cultivate clairvoyant space to be in the world. Look at those areas of communication with others, dream space, details of your spiritual anatomy, kundalini and all 4 channels, your relationships, and more. This is a 9 month program.
Hands On Healing Program - Explore the healing potential that exists in that deep, sacred space as a healee will experience while lying relaxed on your table. Work with a person’s physical and etheric bodies to release judgement, pain and fear, and bring them to a space of balance, alignment, permission and self l love. Now imagine that this healing is just as much for the healer. This Spiritual Wellness programoffers the opportunity for healers to take their next step with their healing space by learning how to own it in themselves and by sharing it with others. Some of the things you will learn are: Astral Body Healings, Creative Energy, Parasympathetic Nervous System, Christ force Healings and more
Trancemedium Program- a simple exploration of navigating your space in and out of the body. Have more awareness of your divinity. In progress. New program starts Fall of 2017.
Spiritual Teaching - Explore your nature as a teacher. We will start with teaching what you have learned, have the tools to being present as others grow and learn, how teaching can be a healing to you, and validating what you know. In this class you get to develop your crown chakra - your ability to know yourself as spirit. In progress.